USMC Commandant’s Quarters 6
Washington, D.C.
Samaha conducted a study for the restoration and adaptive reuse of the Commandant’s residence and four other historic residences at the Marine Barracks. The study included visual observations by architects, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire protection, and civil engineers. Limited asbestos testing was undertaken in each of the quarters.
Samaha met with facility personnel to learn of maintenance and repairs scheduled and completed, and to review information regarding operational and physical deficiencies that may not have been apparent in a visual inspection. This report provided a construction cost budget, updated the functionality of the quarters, provided long term solutions to recurring maintenance problems, and restored the quarters’ historic character in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation. The study addressed all aspects of restoration including hazardous materials evaluations, accessibility issues, system upgrades and replacements, and the restoration of historic elements. After the study was completed, both the construction document and construction administration phases were initiated.