DC Water Non-Process Facilities Master Plan & Updates
Washington, DC
DC Water selected Samaha to create a comprehensive master plan for all of the organization ‘s non-process facilities. The master plan included the following DC Water sites:
Blue Plains
Main & O
Fort Reno
Bryant Street
Samaha authored both DC Water’s 2010 Non-Process Facilities Master Plan and the 2013 update. Samaha has subsequently developed more detailed planning for individual sites (such as the Main & O Campus) and individual buildings (such as the Central Operations Facility). The master planning process included the following tasks:
Performing detailed field investigations of all sites and buildings containing non-process functions.
Developing as-built site plans and floor plans for use in planning efforts.
Interviewing DC Water staff from all departments to determine specific program needs.
Compiling a detailed program to accommodate current and future personnel, equipment, and vehicles.
Developing proposed multiple design options to improve future flexibility, efficiency, security, sustainability, and cost control.
Developing office workstation standards for each employee tier.
Providing cost estimates and timelines for implementation of proposed options.