DC Water Bryant Street Master Plan Implementation
Washington, DC
Samaha is currently preparing a schematic design study for the DC Water Bryant Street Campus. The purpose of this project is to define and articulate several scope items identified by DC Water as priorities for campus improvements. Using cost estimates provided by Samaha for each of these scope items, DC Water can select components for further implementation based upon the authority’s priorities, schedule, and budget. Schematic designs for the following items are being prepared:
Campus Parking Improvements – Our completed parking study allows for the total number of parking spaces at the Campus to be increased from 273 to 403 spaces, including oversized spaces for specific DC Water vehicles.
Weatherproofing of Pumping Station historic slate roof – An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) drone provided detailed video documentation, allowing Samaha to observe and analyze the Pumping Station’s 115-year-old historic slate roof.
Upgrades to Pumping Station employee workstations.
Upgrades to Pumping Station auditorium.
Rehabilitation of Meter Building roof parking deck.
Upgrades at 200 Bryant St.
Options for alternative power, such as photovoltaic design.